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How to wear the badge

As a lightweight and compact jewelry, badges can be used as identity, brand logos, some important commemorations, publicity and gift activities, etc., and often wear badges as a way. Mastering the correct way to wear the badge is not only related to your identity mark, but also related to your ceremonial image. Therefore, the wearing of the badge has a certain attention to it.

Wearing it on the chest is the most common way, such as a badge; in addition, it can also be worn on the shoulders, caps, etc., such as epaulettes, cap badges, etc.

To a certain extent, badges are signs of identity. Different occupations and social status wear different badges to represent different professional images. A correctly worn badge not only reflects your identity, but also Reflects your ceremonial image. You will often find that for the same metal badge custom manufacturer, different people sometimes wear the badge in different positions. Yes, the badge does not have a fixed wearing position, but we often see stars wearing badges on TV and magazines. It is so dazzling, and our leaders will also wear a badge on their chests when they visit or participate in major meetings. The badge symbolizing the motherland is so familiar and cordial in our eyes. Wearing the badge properly can give people a completely different effect.

Most badges are worn on the left chest, but some conference badges are worn on the collar of the suit, while armbands and collar badges have relatively fixed positions. When wearing the badge, pay attention to the size and weight of the badge. If the badge is relatively large and heavy, you need to add a thorn needle to prevent the badge from falling; some small and lightweight badges can be equipped with magnet stickers, which also avoids leaving thorns on the clothes. pinhole. When wearing the badge, pay attention to the color matching with the clothes. When pregnant women and children wear the badge, try to use the magnetic sticker accessories to stab the horse to avoid stabbed the skin.

In addition, the size and shape of the badge are different depending on the occasion of wearing the badge. Sometimes you can choose the correct wearing position according to your own dress. For example, if you wear a suit, sometimes you can wear the badge on the collar; if you wear a looser casual dress, you can choose to wear a larger badge. If the badge you choose is not very heavy, and you are sad that your clothes are punctured by the badge, you can choose a magnetic enamel badge.

Post time: Aug-10-2022